07970 289381 kirsty@because2.co.uk

Because two heads are better than one

Expert Safeguarding Consultancy – Making The Complex Simple

Child Protection & Adult Safeguarding

An excellent course on a difficult subject, that was delivered with a sense of fun and professionalism.

One of the most engaging “updates” I have had in years! Thank you. I found the safeguarding courses this time so much more engaging and useful than previous ones. Thank you for sharing your expertise and giving us a chance to network and learn from each other – it was really valuable.

A great course led by expert practitioners, who made a difficult subject area fun and entertaining.


Brilliant trainers, very engaging, covered everything everyone asked and adapted to all our needs and made it practical to each role.



Kirsty is an amazing speaker, very enthusiastic about teaching the topic and really engaging.




This was led in a really good way – informative, everything I needed but led in a way that made it enjoyable and manageable. The best Safeguarding course I have done. Thank you.




I have attended the course previously, delivered by a different consultant, and this was a far superior version.




I’m leaving behind that safeguarding training is boring!

I thought you created a warm, relaxed, safe space which allowed delegates to really come out of themselves and contribute fully to the session.

– What WE do –

Start Your Conversation

Whatever the size of your organisation, if you’re a sole trader or a charity, Because2 is here for you.

“Learning that Kirsty was establishing Because2 was a zing moment for me. Having worked with her for years, I can attest to her compassion, diligence, work ethic and capacity to make a difference. Kirsty’s skill set will make for a comprehensive offer that can address even the most complex operational/safeguarding challenges. We all know that keeping staff and clients: safe, included and in receipt of excellent services is pivotal to success in any industry.  Kirsty will enable us to go beyond compliance and into quality”.

Gary Buxton MBE (www.garybuxton.co.uk)

Advice & Consultancy

Advice and consultancy services on safeguarding


Providing training on all aspects of safeguarding


Providing supervision and case management for Designated Safeguarding Leads and Safeguarding Teams

Read about Because2 Ltd

Because2 is owned and managed by Kirsty Knivett

Because2 has worked in partnership with Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, delivered a project on behalf of NHS Northwest and with City of York Council. We deliver expert safeguarding consultancy services, including organisational development through a safeguarding lens, expert training and supervision for DSLs and teams.

Kirsty Knivett